Monday, October 2, 2017

I overdid it. Knees were swollen a bit last night; left, as usual, was more effused. Need to give them time to pull themselves together. So I may skip heavy day this week and start back up with a light day. I have learned the hard way to take the extra rest when needed lest an acute problem become chronic.

I must note, however, that it's possible that that playing around with leg curls and leg extensions might have contributed a lot to this. Those movements just don't seem to be very friendly to my knees. I was fine the day before after the light squat day. The Hamstring Raise doesn't seem to cause this.

Also was ravenous last night, way more than usual. I hope that means that I actually stimulated a bout of growth. I went to bed way over 190 and woke up at 190.7. Coffee did its thing and my true weight this morning was 189.8. Seven weeks to the meet. I should come in right around 195-198 lbs. 

I can also afford to take off from a session and start again with a better plan. I think I already said that I need to confine lower body movements to two sessions a week to allow recovery; spreading it out over three was asking for trouble by interfering with recovery. So Heavy Lower Push Day with Light Squats and Heavy Lower Pulls a few days later.

And it occurred to me last night that the reason I'm not as good with sumo as I was years ago when I was so much weaker on high bar squat and conventional deadlift is that I was specializing on low bar wide stance squats back then. As I said before (and with which Glenn Pendlay agreed), there is probably no better assistance movement for sumo than the wide stance, low bar back squat. Maybe I should take it as a good thing that after years of not doing low bar or sumo I can still pull 95% of my best ever. 

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