Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sumo Deadlift, Ham Raise on GHR, Stiff-Legs, Leg Curl

Sumo Deadlift [belt @ 475]
315 x 2, 3
405 x 2
455 x 1
475 x 1

Hamstring Raise (easier knee position) @190 x 5 x 2

Stiff-Legged Pull 315 x 15

Levered Lying Leg Curl w 45-lb plate x 12 right, 24 bilateral

Notes: Today was weird. I decided against doing any upper back work because my right shoulder STILL FUCKING HURTS. I tried out sumo and was really disappointed that I could only get 475. Sure I haven't done this movement in years, but I really thought I'd get more carryover from my back squat and conventional deadlift strength, both of which are way higher than when I pulled 500 sumo a few times back around 2010. It took me several minutes of wheezing to catch my breath after that marathon set of stiff-legged pulls. I never set the bar down on the floor when I do these, so it winds up being a great builder of lower back and grip toughness and endurance. I'm thrilled with my ability to do so many GHRs now, which I am now calling hamstring curls since they don't really target the glutes. I like to keep a slight bend in the hips because this stretches the hamstrings at their origin and allows for a stronger contraction. My gastrocs got a pretty good workout, too, which is another reason I love this movement. I was only able to do a few singles and doubles before. Now I can do sets of five.

Five Hamstring Raises on the GHR with just bodyweight

I have to rearrange my training a bit. I don't like squatting one day and then deadlifting the next. So I am going to shift things yet again, this time combining light squats (paused or front) with the pulling movements. And I'm dropping the deadlift start imitation leg press training because I realize it's probably redundant when I have quarter squats programmed already. I may alternate them, too. It's nice to have options.

So I'm going to have the traditional upper/lower split twice a week. But while my shoulder is dinged, I won't be doing any upper body work at all.

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