Monday, October 2, 2017

Upper Body Around The World: Bench, Standing Press, Chin Up, DB Row. Popped a Hamstring

Bench Press [touch and go]
45 x 12 x 3
135 x 6
185 x 3
225 x 4 x 6

Standing Barbell Press
45 x 10, 4
105 x 5
125 x 3
135 x 4 x 5

Chin Up [@188] + 50 x 5 x 4
Lingenfelder DB Row 120 x 8R/8L x 3

Notes: Messed around with the settings on the GHR because I didn't realize I had the foot pad set so far back yesterday. I immediately felt a pop in my right hammy. But it doesn't seem to be that bad. I kept flexing it and walking around all session to keep it from seizing up. I think it may be fine in a few days. It doesn't hurt that much when I squat, but it does when I try any hip hinges.

Right shoulder felt a lot better (which is why I went at all today). I was able to bench mostly comfortably. I decided to stay kinda smart and go for volume instead of intensity. Second work set of each movement felt better than the first. I'm amazed I had the energy to do decent amount of total tonnage on all four upper body movements. I didn't set any personal records today, but I avoided going to heavy and I got very good volume.

This can be my constant upper body routine with occasional uses of dumbbells instead of barbell for presses and machine pulls and rows for back. The main or "heavy" squat day will still be full back squat working from unequipped paused squats to belt and wraps, quarter squats, and high volume leg presses. The "other" lower body day would be a light squat (paused or front) and some kind of pulls and hamstring focus (deadlift, Romanian pull or Stiff-Legged Pull, hamstring raise, and leg curl).

I'm not planning to do well on bench this time around. I'd be happy with anything over 315 paused at this point. But I'm still hoping to total 1100+ raw with wraps with just the squat and deadlift.

Back Squat [belt and wraps on top sets]
Quarter Squat
Leg Press

Front Squat
Hamstring Raise
Lying Leg Curl

Paused Back Squat
Conventional Deadlift
Romanian or Straight-Legged Pull

The pattern would be: 1, upper, 2A, upper, 1, upper, 2B, upper, repeat

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