Monday, October 16, 2017

Home Stretch: 10 Sessions Left, 10 Lbs Per Session

It's the last few weeks till the meet. I need to add 100 lbs to my back squat and to my deadlift. I have enough time to do ten sessions every third day with one planned day devoted to rest before the meet.

10/17 - 1
10/20 - 2
10/23 - 3
10/26 - 4
10/29 - 5
11/01 - 6
11/04 - 7
11/07 - 8
11/10 - 9
11/13 - 10
11/16 - Rest
11/19 - Meet

I have to squat each session and try to add 10 lbs to the squat each time. No more time to devote days to paused squatting. The focus has to be on strengthening the back squat at a rate of 20 lbs per week.

With that in mind, I also have to press and get in both upper and lower back work. As far as back work, I can only deadlift once every two or three weeks so I have to rotate through other upper back and pulling movements, like so:

Back Squat
Standing Press
Leg Press

Back Squat
Paused Bench Press, Close Grip
Deadlift or Weighted Chin or Woolam Row or Lingenfelder Row

In a couple of weeks I'm going to drop the leg press so that I can let the fatigue from volume dissipate. But I want to keep adding some quad and glute size for as long as possible so not dropping the leg press quite yet.

If this works as planned, I will hit my last session with 505. I don't see any point to adding belt and wraps at all. I can just put them on at the meet and get an immediate 35-lb boost.

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