Saturday, October 7, 2017


My right shoulder is finally feeling good this morning. Still not 100%, but the acute pain is gone right now. I should still hold off another few days before I train upper body again, but I think I may be able to start again on maybe Thursday.

I'd only programmed one upper body day --Saturday-- in my last post, but I think I should allow for up to three: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I don't have to train on every one of those days, but I should leave myself room to train upper body with more frequency. 

I still want to keep lower body to Heavy Push on Wednesday and Light Push/Heavy Pull on Sunday. 

My knees feel normal this morning and my hamstring strain is almost healed. I don't want to take any chances with loading the squat right now; I felt sharp pain on 315 a few days ago. I need to be able to get to over 405 again on Wednesday. I know I should focus more on volume than seeking new personal weight records for the first couple of weeks back. 

It's impossible for me to tell if my hamstring is ready to be loaded again without actually loading it. So maybe I'll go in tomorrow to see how deadlifts and straight-legged pulls feel. Maybe not. 

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