Friday, September 18, 2015

Wrapped Back Squat and Front Squat PRs

[9.17.2015/Thu-am, 188 lbs]
Bench Press, touch and go
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
245 x 1
260 x 2, 2
One-Arm Dumbbell Row (Flat Back) 100 x 10L-10R, 10L-10R, 10L-10R

I was a little disappointed with my lack of energy on the bench this morning. I was hoping to get another single or two, but I was wiped out after those doubles.

[9.17.2015//Thu-pm, 187 lbs]
Back Squat, high bar, squat shoes, no belt, *wraps at 385
135 x 6
225 x 4
275 x 3
315 x 2
345 x 1
365 x 1
380 x X
385 x 2* PR
Front Squat, wraps, no belt 305, 315 PR, 320

A little frustrated with missing 380. But I did manage to do a paused rep with 315 with sleeves; I also front squatted 315 with wraps; And 385 x 2 with wraps. These are all PRs. Yet I am not too happy.

My upper back had to round for me to fight through the second rep with 385. But I'll take it because I've been fighting for that second rep with 385 for a few sessions now.

Weighing 187 this morning after breakfast. I don't feel like this cycle is going nearly as well as the first. this is about where I was at the end of the first cycle. Maybe I'll get another five pounds on me by the end of the next two weeks.

I feel like maybe I should start trying to use a little volume again. Just upping the weight each time for doubles had been working. But I feel like I"m getting a little burned out on that. Now that 80% of my squat max with wraps equals about 315, I'm happy to use 80% for undulating/escalating volume ala the "Russian Squat Routine". So I'll start with 315 for a bunch of triples and work up to a bunch of sextuples.

For bench I will try to push the usual strategy a bit longer. The upper body has more androgen receptors and using anabolics works way better for bench than any fancy volume prescriptions.

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