Monday, September 28, 2015

Olympic Squat, wraps at 345, NO BELT  
45 x 12
135 x 4 paused + 4
225 x 2 paused + 2
275 x 1 paused + 2
315 x 1 paused + 1
345 x 1
365 x 3 x 2

Straight Bar Pull-up @ 190 + 40 x 4 x 2

I took my first dose of Olympus UK's Ghar1ne (MK 677) last night. Just 10 mg. Within a couple of hours my hunger spiked. I didn't experience the much-heralded sleep, however. I was up till past 2 am.

But I figured I should just go ahead and finish the bottle of LeGenD LGD 4033 I had on hand since I will be able to bulk easily with the Ghar1ne. As of this morning I am up to just under 189. This is the heaviest I've been in a while.

I'm also thinking of continuing to cruise with the SARMs. I know, I know. A break and a PCT are needed. But I'm feeling so damned good. And I don't want the gains train to stop chugging along. And more importantly, for me the benefit of these things is their lack of sides and complications. So I'm going to see how well I can do by swapping compounds and keeping the doses minimal.

I may even start adding Ostarine to see if the effects kick up a bit...use the Ostarine as a bridge between LGD and RAD 140.

Okay, I just gave my rat 15 mg of Ostarine. This is after the 4 mg of Legend this morning.

And here is today's vlog:

Squat Notes

Long pauses on those paused reps. I counted to four on the 315. I was getting a little winded. That 365 triple was hard and the second triple required rest-pause. I'm mostly happy. I'm just focused on getting a triple with 405 at this point.

I did the pull ups mainly to decompress my spine. It's still the best I've ever done on pull ups. I think this 190 is the heaviest I've ever been.

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