Thursday, September 10, 2015

Bench Press (Touch And Go) New Personal Best

9.10.2015/Thu-am ~185lbs
Bench Press, touch and go
45 x 10
135 x 6
185 x 3
225 x 2
245 x 1
255 x 1
260 x 2 PR

Straight Bar Pull Up @ 185 x 6, 6, 6
One-Arm Dumbbell Row (STRICT) 100 x 8l8r, 8l8r, 8r8l

Feeling froggy today. I slept well despite taking my first ever pre-workout stimulant late in the evening yesterday. It was Geeked and I can't say I felt much. It was like a cup of coffee without the need to poop.

So. A new personal best on the bench press. They were both good, clean reps, too. Absolutely no bouncing. The second rep was slow, but I never stalled.

Pro tip: Late last cycle, I had tried deliberately flaring my arms out of the bottom and hurt my right shoulder. Now I just let the bar drift toward my face naturally as I get through the sticking point. Too early a flare puts the shoulder in the danger zone.

I don't think I've ever benched this much weight for more than a single before. I'm pretty sure I've benched either 260 or 265 for a single a few years ago. I'm surely good for 270 for a single now. My aim for the end of this cycle is 285 for a double.

I was hoping to get a single after that double, but I was pretty wiped out. I decided to move on to upper back instead of pressing my luck. Nice, clean pull ups with chin getting a few inches over the bar. Then the 100-lb DB rows felt so incredibly light. Those rows were so clean. Not even a hint of body English till the last couple of reps of the last set, and even then it was amazingly slight.

I did some fasted sprints in the parking lot of the family business. Felt good and had me feeling very limber afterward. I can't believe I let myself go so long without running and jumping. I went inside and did some a few vertical leaps and on the third attempt I hit my head on the ceiling tile which is 7'10". Only a 24" leap, but I imagine I will get higher again with practice.

Calibrated scale read 185 on the nose this morning. That is sort of a surprise. I just benched my heaviest ever weight for a double while I was at the lower end of my weight range.


I am going to try to be smart and not return to the gym in the evening. I will take tomorrow off and then pull on Saturday. I want to warm up for the pull with front squats just to see how I do on front squats when I'm not already exhausted from back squats. If I see myself getting a 315 front squat, I'm having some hapless gym-goer record that shit.

A 465 double is the plan for the pull, but I will happily up that to 475 if things are going well.

Monday bench 260 for a double and then some singles. Tuesday back squat 385 for a double.

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