Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I weighed a little over 189 lbs this morning after the bathroom and a cup of coffee and before any actual food intake. The LGD is really kicking in. Once again, the kick started at two weeks and I expect it will continue strong for another three or four weeks.

I keep saying I want to extend the cycle out to eight or ten weeks this time...but then I keep having doubts. Going either too high daily and for too long is what starts to complicate things in terms of side effects, particularly suppression. Like, I can bounce back with just a few days off if I stop at six weeks...but I may need a few weeks off if I push things out to eight weeks and more.

So maybe I should just finish this bottle of LGD and then let my mouse take a break for a week. I have enough left for nearly three weeks. That should be enough time to get my high bar, beltless squat up to at least 405 for a double. That's if I squat every fourth day and make 15-lb and 10-lb jumps. I already did 365 x 2. So next would be: 380 x 2, 395 x 2, 405 x 2, 415 x 2.

The squat takes priority over the bench this cycle. My squat was a bit problematic during the initial six weeks while my bench just flew up. So as much as I would like to bench over 315, I know that it will take a couple more cycles to get there and that 405 squat is too close for me to ignore. It's the next big milestone I want to achieve, even with the 5-plate deadlift just around the corner.

I do plan to go for a beltless deadlift of 495 x 1 on the warm up to 505 x 2 at the end of this cycle...maybe even just do 505 x 1 and then go for 515 x 2 depending on how I feel. That will be a pretty big deal. Again, my best sumo deadlift with a belt was the 506 I did in competition a few years back. So getting that same weight and more for a double with a beltless conventional would mean I am stronger by several pounds than I was at my previous best.

In fact, since sumo and a belt boost my pull about 40 lbs it's easy to calculate how much stronger I would be with a 505 to 515-lb beltless conventional for a double; It's somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 lbs.

I'm pretty confident that I'm actually a little stronger now than I was at that previous peak in 2010. Back then I also got a 495 conventional pull with a belt. I could probably get 495 now without a belt, at least based on the 475 x 2 I got without a belt this week.

Definitely stronger than ever on the beltless high bar squat! 365 x 2 with equivalent knee protection to when I got 365 x 1 in 2011 or so.

RAD-140 Next

Beyond this cycle I think I will make the switch to RAD-140. First, it's supposed to be even better than LGD-4033 with even leaner gains. So LGD is better for bulking while RAD is better for "hardening". I just want to keep getting stronger with as little bloat as possible. Also it's supposed to be good to rotate compounds.

I'll actually probably add in Ostarine/MK-2866 toward the end of my LGD cycle so the Ostarine will act as a bridge into my RAD cycle. the sound of that. That's about another 10 weeks of SARMs with the Ostarine bridge time acting as a backoff week. I honestly believe I get my bodyweight up over 205 lbs in that time and get my squat up to 500 lbs high bar without a belt...maybe for a double. That would mean a beltless conventional pull over 600. I expect I'd finally get to bench 315 and overhead press 225, too.

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