Tuesday, September 22, 2015

[9.21.2015/Mon-pm, 187 lbs]
Bench Press, touch and go
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
245 x 1
255 x 3, 3, 2, 2

Back Squat, high bar, squat shoes, NO BELT, Inzer True Black wraps at 335 
(Paused first rep of warm ups, all reps with 135)
135 x 6
225 x 4
275 x 3
315 x 2
335 x 4, 1, 4

Straight Bar Pull-up @ 187
+10 x 6
+20 x 5
+25 x 4 x 3

Bench Notes

Energy level is high. LGD supply won't last another ten days. So I am upping the frequency. Bench cooperated tonight: two triples then two doubles with 255. My best at the end of last cycle was two doubles with this weight. I think a double with 275 is entirely reasonable for next Tuesday when the LGD runs out.

Squat Notes

I have been PVC rolling my quads with religious regularity to keep fighting the knots that make squatting painful (and cause other dysfunction). The knots on the v. lateralis are still there, but it's getting better overall.

I wrapped up on 335 and had to rest a bit before the fourth rep. Then I went into the second set too soon and got just one. I took a big rest and wrapped a little tighter ;-) The tighter wrap got me another 5-10 lbs of rebound and I finished the four reps strong and with perfect form.

I actually upped the weight to 345...but after walking it out I knew I wouldn't be getting more than one rep so I racked it. Rested and got some pull-ups. Quite a bit actually. Used my flimsy shoe bag to hold the plates for weighted pull-ups.


My next planned training days are Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, and Tuesday. I would like to bench in the morning and squat at night again so I can squat fresh. I would also like to hit 355 for a set of five Wednesday night...then up the weight by 20 lbs and lower the set by one rep till I hit
415 for that magical double on the last evening of the cycle.

That...may be fantasy. But it is my goal to squat over 405 beltless high bar this cycle, even if I have to wrap tighter for a 20-lb boost to do it.

Either way, there is no reason I shouldn't be able to pull over 500 without a belt on that final day. I want to be able to say I added a plate to each side of my squat and my deadlift within 12 weeks/3 months! That means a 425-lb max squat (because I added knee wraps I have to add another ten pounds to the the 90 lbs) and a 515-lb deadlift, both without a belt.

In another cycle I can say that I added a plate to each side of my bench, too.

Here is a vlog entry about another reason I believe LGD 4033 is working...

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