Monday, September 14, 2015

High Bar And Conventional Deadlift PRs

Bench Press, touch and go 
45 x 10
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
245 x 1
260 x 2, 1, 1, 1

Back Squat, high bar, squat shoes, NO BELT
135 x 6
225 x 4
275 x 3
315 x 2
345 x 1
365 x 2 PR
Negative Back Squat and hold 405

Deadlift, conventional, flat shoes, hook grip, NO BELT 
405 x 3
435 x 2
455 x 1
475 x 2 PR

Got some singles after the double with 260. Yippee! Hurt my left trap on the first single, though. It's still hurting.

I weighed 189 in the middle of the day. It's been almost two weeks since I reinitiated LGD dosing. I think the weight is starting to climb back up. I was down to 187 by the time I got back to the gym.

My back squat and deadlift were both personal records. So. Yeah.

I wore my super light Harbinger black Power  (tee hee) wraps so loosely today that I was able to keep them on for hours. My Rehband sleeves are shot. One has a hole in the seem line. So I wanted a little support, but no rebound. So this is definitely better than that 365 x 1 I got years ago with my then-new Rehbands.

My grip gave out an inch before I got the second 475 on the floor. Would not have counted in a meet. But it counts here as a hard-won second rep.

Oh...and I paused the first squat reps on each set up to 275. Long pauses. Getting very comfortable with these. I also held 405 in the bottom after the negative. That is the most weight I've ever held high bar...and the most weight I've had on my back at all without a belt.

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