Sunday, September 24, 2017

Right shoulder still hurts. I'm starting to think I should abandon the competition width bench press. It's that specific pressing in the transverse plane that hurts. Overhead pressing and dips seem to be okay. I imagine close grip press will be good too.

I'm taking a few days off to give my beaten up body a chance to recover. When I go back, I am going to try very hard to stick to the Tu-Th-Sa-Su schedule with three routines so that each routine has a week where it is done twice, like so:




This gives me about ten times with each routine before the meet (eight weeks away). That, however, is only five deadlift sessions (since the deadlift is only done every other Pull Day in place of the GHR) so I'm going to have to add 20 lbs per deadlift session in order to get to 600. I'm not sure that's really possible. but that's my goal and I have often surprised myself with how far I get when things are properly aligned.

Ten pounds per session on the squat is not too much to ask, at least for four to six weeks. Heck, it's actually closer to 15 lbs per week at the start of a cycle. And with my shoulder feeling so wonky, I won't be worrying about bench so much and can pour my resources into the squat and deadlift.

As far as session content, my Stand Day will be the back squat and it will be supplemented by leg presses (for mass) up until two weeks out. I am thinking I should probably leave the quarter squat out of the mix because it is just too taxing (like a deadlift). I really would like to see if these translate to a higher vertical, though. Maybe I'll add it on the weeks I don't deadlift. Maybe not. But the bread and butter will be the back squat (belt+wraps, belt-only, no belt or wraps, paused with no belt or wraps) plus the leg press. I should probably focus on the belt-only back squat and the paused back squat with no belt.

Stand Day: Back Squat, Leg Press

Push day will be a craps shoot, but I really want to keep the standing press now that my supine pressing feels so unstable. Pull day will alternate heavy chin ups and dumbbell rows and alternate GHR with conventional deadlifts.

Push Day: Standing Pres, Dip (Close Grip Bench Press when my shoulder can handle it again)

Pull Day A: Weighted Chin Up, Conventional Deadlift
Pull Day B: Dumbbell Row, Glute-Ham Raise

One should always have a few unreasonable goals. Mine for this meet are 495 paused back squat and 545 belt and wraps squat and 600+ conventional deadlift with a belt at 195. I don't much care about the bench right now, but I would like to overhead press over 200 lbs finally. Weighed 187 this morning and have been there throughout the day.

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