Sunday, September 10, 2017

09.10.2017 - Chin Up - Row - Glute-Ham Raise

Chin Up
[@190 +  0] x 3 x 3
[@190 +90] x 3
[@190 +55] x 6 x 2

Glute-Ham Raise @ 190 lbs x 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1
Lingenfelder DB Row 120-lb DB x 12 each side
Seated Machine Row 150 x 9

Notes: Decent back day. I got six reps with 75 lbs last time on the chin up, and I was hoping that I could get five with 90, but that was not to be. I would have thought at least four was realistic. Still, I can't remember a time I've gotten reps with 90 lbs attached, especially not while weighing this much. So it's likely a personal record.

The GHRs were done between sets of chins and rows. This is the most volume I've gotten on these. I like doing them on pull/row day instead of squat day. Maybe when I'm strong enough to do proper sets of these, I'll move them back to squat day. Maybe not. Either way, by the time November rolls around, I should be doing sets of these with multiple reps.

Today is the day of the meet in the Sac area. I'm not unhappy that I didn't go. I wasn't near ready. To make up for it, I need to come in big at the November meet. If I'm not squatting over 4 plates a side for reps by early October, I'll be very worried.

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