Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Gluteal origin is a little achy when I first wake up, but once I get a hot shower and start moving around, it feels fine.

Meanwhile, my shoulder feels right fucked. Lifting it so my arm is perpendicular to my torso causes pain. I can probably still push and pull vertically, but I have to back off supine pushing for sure. Damn shame because that's one of the events in the full meet. But if I'm not careful with this shoulder, it will affect my ability to hold the bar in the squat. And then I'd be really pissed.

I'm not planning on really pushing the bench this time around anyway. I'd rather overhead press and chin up with decent weights. I can devote my energies to squatting and deadlifting. 

So I'm (yet again) scrapping my plan so I can squat twice and pull once per week while adding the press and chin after I'm done squatting or pulling. 

Wed - Squat heavy
Sat --- Squat light
Sun -- Deadlift or Glute-Ham Raise

Wed - Squat Heavy
 Back Squat, belt and wraps on work set
 Deadstop Quarter Squat from Pins (belt of course)
 45-Degree Leg Press (with squat shoes)
 Pull Up (as much to decompress back as to get stronger)

Sat - Squat Light
 Paused Back Squat, no belt or wraps
 Leg Extension
 Single-Leg Work (maybe)
 Standing Barbell Press (for volume)

Sun - Pull Heavy
 Weighted Chin Up
 Deadlift or Glute-Ham Raise

Although today I wonder if I shouldn't just start with paused back squats today. Or I could just lower the weight and try to get a little volume. No need to strive for new local maximum when I'm recovering from a butt pull. Maybe like 345 for a couple sets of five or six, or 315 for a few sets of eight (if I can).

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