Sunday, April 30, 2017

Bench Press, touch and go 
45 x 16 x 4
135 x 6 x 2
185 x 4
225 x 2
245 x 2
255 x 2
265 x 0
225 x 8 

Deadlift, conventional, no belt 
315 x 4
365 x 3
405 x 2
445 x 2
475 x 1
495 x 0

Bent Over Barbell Row 225 x 6 x 2

Stiff-Legged Pull 
335 x 8
355 x 8

375 x 8

I missed 265 on the bench really badly. Just couldn't move it at all. Then I got some volume with 225. Shoulder is much better, but not quite enough for the really heavy stuff over 95%. 

I also missed 495 on the deadlift, but I didn't grind. Just immediately gave up when I saw it was going to be hard. I didn't want to burn out. I just wanted to feel fairly heavy weight in my hands after giving up at 435 x 2 on Wednesday. 

I also tried out barbell rows. Dumbbell rows are much, much better. I can generate a lot more tension when I brace against a bench. 

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