Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Bench Press, touch and go

45 x 32 x 2
135 x 8
185 x 4
225 x 2
245 x 2
235 x 6 x 2

Deadlift, conventional, no belt, hook grip 315 x 5, 365 x 3, 405 x 2, 445 x 1
Stiff-Legged Pull, no belt, hook grip  385 x 5, x 3

I really wasn't supposed to deadlift today, so I kept it light. Stopped at 445 when it moved slowly. Was mostly showing my friend deadlift form when the weight gets heavy. I don't consider a real DL session, which is why I listed the weights horizontally. 

Bench wasn't stellar either. The left shoulder wasn't happy at all. 245 felt as hard as 255 did before. I'm thinking that I simply have no business working anything more than once per week. I suppose I could count the midweek stuff as "light day" stuff since I can never lift heavy on these days.

235 for six is about where I should expect to be. Nothing special. I could do seven in an all out set. If my shoulder were solid, I could hit 285 for a single. I should be able to get 265 for a double when I'm fresh. For right now, I need to focus on reps over five to keep the weight lighter and the volume higher.

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