Friday, April 7, 2017

Olympic Back Squat, no belt, no wraps, paused first warmup rep till 315
45 x 5 x 2
135 x 4
225 x 3
315 x 2
355 x 1
385 x 1
315 x 2 x 2

Messing around: Standing press 135 to test shoulder (it still hurt a bit); strict cambered bar curl 110 x 5.

Two days after last session because I was worked up after a rough week and uneven Friday at work. This 385 is a new max at this weight, 5 lbs more than two days ago and moved way faster.

355 fast single warm up...

380 two days ago...

385 today...

315 x 2 paused, second of two sets...

I walked out 395, then decided against it. I was too tired for it not to be close and I wanted to end on a high note: 5 lbs more at greater speed after only two days.

Knees feeling great on a steady diet of three ibuprofen every eight hours. That's probably why I'm able to squat so often and without any knee protection. And still able to sprint with Gigi on the off days.

Also, I think not doing any upper body work is the real reason I am able to increase my squat so quickly (dedicated recovery) while not adding much bodyweight (upper body not growing and adding weight).

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