Sunday, April 23, 2017

Personal Record 495 Double Conventional Beltless Deadlift @ 189

Deadlift, conventional, no belt, hook grip

315 x 5
385 x 3
435 x 2
475 x 2
495 x 2
Stiff-Legged Pull 315 x 5, 6, 7, 10

So excited. Worked up to 495 for a double @ 189. This is just five pounds shy of my best ever of 500 for a double, but I was at 195+ at the time. And this time I worked up with doubles instead of doing singles up to the top set. I am categorically the strongest on deadlifts that I've ever been. 

Deadlift, conventional, no belt, hook grip
315 x 4
385 x 3
435 x 2
465 x 1
495 x 1

510 x 1

I followed that up with trying out stiff-legged pulls (I won't call them "deadlifts" since the reps don't start on the floor. I felt things out with a set of five and was amazed at how light 315 felt. I finished up with a set of ten. I would have gone for a few more sets, but I had to go get the groceries. I was very winded after that set of ten, though. Sucked wind for three minutes. 

I should also note that my left adductor isn't quite healed. It forced me to do an extended warm up and that extended warm up is something I really should keep doing. I did the long pull and then a bunch of high and low bar squats with just the bar until my back and thigh muscles all felt full and warm. 

I also hung from the pull up bar after my last set of lower body pulls until my grip gave out. I heard my spine "clunk" when it stretched out after a few seconds. 

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