Saturday, October 3, 2015

SARMs Retailers No Longer Selling In US

I woke up to the news that Primeval will be discontinuing their SARMs line while Olympus UK will no longer sell their SARMs, secretagogues, or PPAR-agonists to US retailers.

These amazing products will be disappearing from the US market as these companies scramble to get ahead of lawsuits from competitors who are starting to run to the government. You see, it's perfectly legal to sell snake oil with wild claims and no results. And anyone who starts selling anything that runs too close to the nanny state's restricted list of products that actually work is going to be a target.

I'm really too angry to talk about this much. I will say that this pushes me one step closer to using actual testosterone. [Don't worry, Uncle Sam. I'm just talking tough for the sake of my blog. I would never, EVER do anything in violation of your presumed ownership of my person.]

Here are today's results.

Back Squat, high bar, belt and wraps at 355, paused first rep of warm ups to 315
45 x 12
135 x 6
225 x 4
275 x 3
315 x 2
355 x 1
375 x 1
395 x 1
405 x 1 PR
415 x 1 x 2 PR

I decided that I felt good enough to go ahead and start using Saturdays as mock meets of sorts but with a little volume. So squat session in the morning, bench and dead later on in the afternoon. I managed to set a couple personal records today. The most I have ever squatted high bar was 385 for a single without a belt but with powerlifting wraps. A belt "gives" me ten pounds so that's the equivalent of about 395. I got 405 today easily enough and then got 415. I then did 415 for another very tough single.

Bench Press, paused
45 x 10
135 x 3
185 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
255 x 1
260 x 1
265 x 1 x 2 PR

Deadlift, conventional, hook grip, belt at 475, mixed hook on 500.
405 x 2
435 x 1
455 x 1
475 x 1
495 x 1
500 x 1 PR

The personal records kept rolling in today. My biggest paused bench was 253 five years ago; today I hit 260 then 265, then 265 for another sloooooow single. Then I just barely eked out 500 on the belted conventional pull to surpass my 495 @ 189 I did five years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Introduction Table of Contents IntroductionSelective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs)The History behind SARMsThe next stage of developmentWhat are SARMs?How do SARMs actually work?The benefits of taking SARMsAre SARMs banned?The different types of SARMsLGD-4033Side effectsDosageMK-2866Side effectsDosageS4Side effectsDosageRAD 140Side EffectsDosageSummary Performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) are a touchy subject to some and a hot topic of debate for others! Some people consider them as cheating and probably the most popular PEDs are steroids. Unfortunately steroids are a banned type of PED, when combined with the nasty side effects- this is enough to put many bodybuilders off for life! However nothing stands still in the
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