Thursday, October 22, 2015

Olympic Squat, NO BELT
45 x 15
135 x 6
225 x 4
275 x 2
315 x 1
325 x 5 x 3

Straight Bar Pull Up @ 195 + 35 x 4 x 4

I got 325 for three sets of five and with good bar speed and zero pausing between reps, except for the very last rep of the last set. Compare this to the 315 for three sets of four last week.

Another ten pounds, an additional rep per set, and done in about three quarters the time each set.

I will jump up to 335 for five next session and hope to get at least a couple of sets with it. Then 345 for a couple or three sets of four. Then 355 for a couple sets of four, then triples with 365 and 375. Then doubles with 385 and 395. That should set me up for singles with 405, 415, and maybe even 425.

Down to 193 this morning, despite eating several thousand Calories yesterday as usual. Obviously swinging up to 196 so rapidly meant a lot of water retention, though, which seems to have abated. I'm still 20 lbs over my average in July. It's all good. I want to be under 200 lbs the first time I squat 405 completely beltless raw.

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