Saturday, October 10, 2015

Shit Session

Bench Press, touch and go, first rep paused till 245
45 x 10
135 x 5
185 x 4
225 x 3
245 x 2
265 x 1
275 x 1
285 x X
245 x 4 + X

Front Squat, wraps at 315
45 x 10
135 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1

What a shitty session. I had one of those five-hour energy drinks and felt jittery and weak. I was also probably simply not nearly recovered enough to be back. As usual the midweek bench was off. Missed 285 for a new PR and then I was so tired that I really should not have tried to get five reps with 245.

Then I felt incredibly weak on the front squats. I was truly exhausted by the time I got to them. I had been hoping to work up to a new PR with 335 because 325 had moved so quickly a few days ago. But I was shaky and weak under the bar and barely got 315.

Also my right soleus is hurting the way my left soleus did years ago right before I injured it badly. I think it's combination of lots of heavy squatting in high heels and with wraps.

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