Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Bench PR 245 X 5 Four Sets

10.28.2015 am /194 lbs
Two-Handed 16kg KB Swing (15 hours fasted) x 40 x 4

10.28.2015 pm /192 lbs
Bench Press, touch and go
45 x 10 x 2
135 x 6
185 x 4
225 x 3
245 x 5 x 4 PR

I broke my fast at 3:30 pm with some shepherd's pie. That's about 18 hours. I did the swings about 15 hours in. I'm feeling a little tubby and I realized today that I'm pushing 20% bodyfat. To be brutally honest, I could stand to lose about 10% of my mass as bodyfat, or nearly 20 lbs of fat. Essentially I'm a 181 lifter in a fat suit.

And huge volume PR with 245. Reps were nonstop, no pausing. I'm tempted to make a 10-lb jump next session for a max set of five with 265. I'm hovering around a 300-lb projected max.

I just realized this morning that before my SARM adventure my highest ever Olympic squat (high bar, high heels, no belt, no wraps) was 365 at @ 182.5 That was my only double bodyweight Olympic squat.

I am 194 these last couple of days and I'm sure I could hit a 390-lb Olympic squat if I had to, once again putting me at double bodyweight.

But what I really want is to get 405 while weighing 195 or less.

(Also, I just realized this morning that I could get at least a triple with my highest ever Olympic squat from before my SARM experience. I got 355 x 4+1 and am sure I could get 365 x 3 or maybe even 4 by next week.)

My experience over the last few months tells me that SARMs work best in very short cycles. The weight gain seems to start kicking in after the two-week mark and then it really slows down by week four or so.

I weighed 191-192 by the time I hit bench. Feels great to get that weight and volume after losing a couple pounds of water this morning.

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