Saturday, October 17, 2015

Back From Layoff

Olympic Squat, first rep paused till 275, sleeves, NO BELT
45 x 12
135 x 6
225 x 4
275 x 3
315 x 4 x 3

Conventional Deadlift, mixed grip, NO BELT 415 x 2 x 4 or 5

Weighing 192 this morning after a "thorough" cleansing with two trips to the bathroom. It's been two weeks of Rad and it may be kicking in. It's been a couple weeks since I had a real squat session and I'm just now starting to feel like training again. My legs are just now shaking off the pain and stiffness of constant high-intensity squatting.

I had the desire to squat, but was still feeling lethargic (from the MK 677). I went to the gym and had to psych myself up to get moving out of the car. I just wanted to take a nap. But I'm glad I got it going. It's been like two weeks since back squats. I went "nearly naked" with just my old Rehbands on and I'm happy to report that 315 felt light on my back and though the first set betrayed a little rust...

...the ensuing sets were much snappier.

I did one standing press with 155 that felt so awful that I didn't officially record it up top. I did that press after my second set of squats and decided to do another set of squats after it. Then it was fairly snappy doubles with 415 for deadlifts. I don't remember if I got four or five sets. It's probably four. Doesn't really matter. These were more a test of grip and resolve. The weight wasn't that heavy.

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