Friday, November 13, 2015

Center For a Stateless Society Tears LRC and Paleo-"Libertarians" a Couple New Ones

Oh, my. Kevin Carson over at C4SS might have brought some vaseline, but he didn't bother to use it.

Mr. Carson took Lew Rockwell and his anti-liberty, feudal supremacist arguments down so was just about perfect. And a lot more scholarly than my own off-the-cuff attempt a couple days ago.

Well done, good sir. We at Voluntary Dissonance salute you.

Please, please read the full article in all its hippy market anarchist glory here.

Below I present some favorite lines. This includes the very last lines. So to avoid spoiling the enjoyment of the eloquent piece, go read it in its entirety first!

Most ridiculous of all is the whining tone of this wretched turd of an article. It makes it clear that the crowd’s output is basically the ghost dance of the pathetic, dying demographic they pander to.

Yes! A bunch of tribalist conservatives wearing liberty like a cheap costume. Fascism fits them better.

The fact that these two are so desperate for a pretext, any pretext at all, for excluding brown immigrants from Mexico who might “deconstruct their culture,” that they’d grasp at a straw as idiotic and morally bankrupt as this, tells us all we need to know about “paleo-libertarianism.” It isn’t libertarian at all, but is motivated by an overpowering desire for a society controlled by people who look and think exactly like themselves, where nobody is allowed to do anything people like themselves disapprove of. The needs of their hatred and bigotry are so intense that they have willfully made themselves stupid and embraced an utterly nonsensical argument.
It is a desperate, pathetic attempt indeed to fit the square peg of their conservatism into the libertarian hole.

If this kind of F Scale-breaking authoritarianism is the price of a “living, vigorous culture,” then fuck the culture. When “libertarians” start talking in terms of Volk and Kulture over individual autonomy and agency, and preaching discipline as the cure for “cultural disintegration” and decadence, you can be pretty sure that the word “freedom” in their propaganda is as devoid of substance as “Freiheit” was in that of the Nazis. The Paleos are a cancer on any movement that genuinely respects human liberty and dignity.
I stopped short of saying this, but I agree with all my heart. The Paleos are a cancer. I've been leaning toward the left in terms of sentiment (NOT in terms of economics). I've never been comfortable with right-libertarianism...because it's really just conservatism that really isn't comfortable with letting cultures grow, change, and recombine as they would in a stateless world.

There are those who argue that there is no right or left in libertarianism. And technically I agree. But libertarianism in the past hundred years has indeed been coopted by those coming in from the right. And these are people who have been hoping that a "free" world would mean one in which stuff they don't like (non-whites, non-straights, atheists, et al) gets pushed out of existance. And as we're seeing more and more, if their world doesn't end up looking white and conservative when stateless, they are willing to allow in as much of the state as is necessary to make that happen.

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