Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Dumbbell Rows with 135-lb Dumbbells...Taking a Break in November?

11.04.2015 / Wed - am 
One-Arm Supported DB Row 100 x 5, 135 x 5 x 2

I had to be out by the Lake Mary LAF very early this morning and I wouldn't have time again for at least a couple days to be there. So I went in to avail myself of those sweet, sweet heavy dumbbells. I sense that I will soon be good for 150 for a set of five. I suppose I'll just work on volume after that. I really want to get up to bodyweight for reps and eventually very high reps. Not sure where I'll find dumbbells that heavy.

I'm thinking of stopping both this RAD and training cycle this week...

It just kind of hit me this morning. Maybe I should give my rat a break from dosing now for the last three weeks of the month. This would give me a great chance to document how it affects my strength as the bench press is very clearly benefiting the most and will act as a reliable gauge.

On the other hand, I 'm considering running with only very short breaks (one week) between another two cycles after another two weeks of this cycle.

Or maybe I should switch to LGD at the end of this week...keep the cycles down to four weeks...?

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