Tuesday, November 3, 2015

11.03.2015 / Wed- pm / 194 lbs
Olympic Squat, no belt
45 x 15 
135 x 6
225 x 4
275 x 2
315 x 1
325 x 1
335 x 5 x 2

This is actually an improvement over last week's struggle with 335 for six reps with increasingly long pauses. But no way I could get three sets.

Last week was harder...

I think I should start taking five-lb jumps from here and shooting for at least five reps for a couple sets of continuous reps.

Very busy morning and a good time to stop eating again for a while. My weight is hovering just above 194 this afternoon. This is actually a good thing...

I have a bit of flab around my middle that I could stand to lose so that I have more room to get more muscular as a 198-lb class lifter. I'd been ballooning up so quickly that I thought I would be bidding adieu to the 198 very soon. 

But if I can be weighing 195 with such a (relatively) high bodyfat percentage and still be planning a 275 x 5 bench, then maybe I can squeeze in another 10 lbs of muscle in this weight class and still get my bench marching toward 400.

(It's never enough. I am just barely getting to 315 now and I'm only thinking of 405.)

I really should pick up another couple bottles of RAD-140 while supplies last and the clearance sale is still going on, I am thinking that maybe another couple bottles of GW-501516 may be in order, too. The anecdotal reports for GW aren't good, but I think it had a positive effect on calorie partitioning

I have noticed that my nipples are tight upon my waking up, but they start getting bloated and puffy looking as soon as I start taking in food. So I bloat very easily. Maybe it's the MK 677. I don't know if this happened so quickly in the past. But I definitely notice it now.

Here is a GAF pic of my nipples while I'm still fasted (you're welcome!) followed by a pic of me a few minutes after my first meal:

Notice the puffier nipple in the bottom.

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