Monday, November 30, 2015

PR Bench 285 For Two Doubles

11.29.2015 / Sun - pm / 185 lbs? 
Bench Press, touch and go 
45 x 12
135 x 6
225 x 3
255 x 2
265 x 1
275 x 1
285 x 2 x 2 PR

One-Arm Dumbbell Row 145 x 5 x 3

285 is the most weight I have ever bench pressed in my life and I managed to get it for a double...twice! This is a personal record, but it doesn't really represent any improvement over 275 x 4.

Then I got a personal best with the rows. First set required no resetting on the floor. Had to reset more as sets went on. Here is a video of the first set for the left side...

I'm actually scared to check my weight these days. I've been hovering between 185 and 189. I should be happy that even though I've lost a lot of glycogen and water, I'm still as strong as ever in my upper body even after a month off any assistance and with lots of poor appetite, lots of fasting, and a lot of poor habits.

The Super Laxo and Epi Andro should be here soon. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to run this stuff. Stack with LGD...or do LGD first then move on to SL and then EA...?

Thursday, November 26, 2015

11.25.2015 / Wed - pm / 186 lbs
Bench Press, touch and go
45 x 12 x 2
135 x 6
185 x 4
225 x 2
245 x 1
255 x 1
265 x 3, 1

I was extremely fasted (about 18 hours into a 24-hour fast) and not feeling strong. Weight is down about 12 lbs off peak of 198. So that very tough triple with 265 is quite a bit down from my best of 275 x 4 last week. But it's to be expected.

I just ordered Super Laxo and Epi Andro from Primeval on Jerry Ward's recommendations. A lot of people are mocking these just like they mocked LGD...which along wth RAD put 25 lbs on me and added 70 lbs to my bench. So let the stupid fucks mock. I may "stack" these with with LGD and/or RAD.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Backing Off A Bit, Weight Down, Some Rows

11.23.2015 / noon / 186 lbs
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows L/R 105 x 5, 140 x 5, ~5

The first set with 140 was done without needing to set the dumbbell down at all. Not so on the second set. Had to set the dumbbell down between each rep after the second rep.

In other news, my weight has continued to spiral downward. I was 186 at my lowest.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Bench PR 275 x 4

11.19.2015 / Wed - pm / 192 lbs
Bench Press, touch and go
45 x 12
135 x 6
185 x 4
225 x 2
245 x 1
265 x 1
275 x 4 PR, 2

I weighed closer to 190 by evening. Off the SARM and my weight seems to have stabilized at 190-192 from 196-198.

Bench gains have definitely slowed off the mild sauce. But I got to be happy that two weeks off and down 5+ pounds, not only am I holding onto upper body strength but I am also getting stronger.

Monday, November 16, 2015

11.16.2015 / Mon - pm / 190 lbs
Bench Press, touch and go
45 x 12
135 x 6
185 x 4
225 x 2
245 x 1
255 x 1
260 x 5, 5, 5, 4 + miss

So close on that miss. I got it more than halfway up. I was really hoping for  x 5 x 5 and couldn't quite get x 5 x 4.

I did lose a lot of water weight, though. Fasted today and got down to under 191. So I should be kinda happy to have maintained this level of performance on bench.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Olympic Squat, no belt
45 x 12
135 x 6
225 x 4
275 x 2
315 x 1
335 x 1

Deadlift, conventional, no belt
405 x 2
435 x 3 x 2

Five days ago I squatted 325 for six sets of six reps. Today I warmed up for deadlifts with squats (which are the best way to warm up for deadlifts). I got to a single with 315 then a really uncomfortable single with 335 after which I had to call it quits and move on to deadlifts.

325 x 6 x 6... now barely 335 x 1. What gives? Is five days just not enough to recover anymore?

Probably not when it's a really hard squat session and you have a modicum if strength.

I probably simply went too far with the volume at too high a percentage of max. Instead of working up to 325 x 6 x 6 over the course of a few weeks, I made it the target for the day. I might have actually been okay a few days later if I'd limited the 325 to three sets of six.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Center For a Stateless Society Tears LRC and Paleo-"Libertarians" a Couple New Ones

Oh, my. Kevin Carson over at C4SS might have brought some vaseline, but he didn't bother to use it.

Mr. Carson took Lew Rockwell and his anti-liberty, feudal supremacist arguments down so was just about perfect. And a lot more scholarly than my own off-the-cuff attempt a couple days ago.

Well done, good sir. We at Voluntary Dissonance salute you.

Please, please read the full article in all its hippy market anarchist glory here.

Below I present some favorite lines. This includes the very last lines. So to avoid spoiling the enjoyment of the eloquent piece, go read it in its entirety first!

Most ridiculous of all is the whining tone of this wretched turd of an article. It makes it clear that the crowd’s output is basically the ghost dance of the pathetic, dying demographic they pander to.

Yes! A bunch of tribalist conservatives wearing liberty like a cheap costume. Fascism fits them better.

The fact that these two are so desperate for a pretext, any pretext at all, for excluding brown immigrants from Mexico who might “deconstruct their culture,” that they’d grasp at a straw as idiotic and morally bankrupt as this, tells us all we need to know about “paleo-libertarianism.” It isn’t libertarian at all, but is motivated by an overpowering desire for a society controlled by people who look and think exactly like themselves, where nobody is allowed to do anything people like themselves disapprove of. The needs of their hatred and bigotry are so intense that they have willfully made themselves stupid and embraced an utterly nonsensical argument.
It is a desperate, pathetic attempt indeed to fit the square peg of their conservatism into the libertarian hole.

If this kind of F Scale-breaking authoritarianism is the price of a “living, vigorous culture,” then fuck the culture. When “libertarians” start talking in terms of Volk and Kulture over individual autonomy and agency, and preaching discipline as the cure for “cultural disintegration” and decadence, you can be pretty sure that the word “freedom” in their propaganda is as devoid of substance as “Freiheit” was in that of the Nazis. The Paleos are a cancer on any movement that genuinely respects human liberty and dignity.
I stopped short of saying this, but I agree with all my heart. The Paleos are a cancer. I've been leaning toward the left in terms of sentiment (NOT in terms of economics). I've never been comfortable with right-libertarianism...because it's really just conservatism that really isn't comfortable with letting cultures grow, change, and recombine as they would in a stateless world.

There are those who argue that there is no right or left in libertarianism. And technically I agree. But libertarianism in the past hundred years has indeed been coopted by those coming in from the right. And these are people who have been hoping that a "free" world would mean one in which stuff they don't like (non-whites, non-straights, atheists, et al) gets pushed out of existance. And as we're seeing more and more, if their world doesn't end up looking white and conservative when stateless, they are willing to allow in as much of the state as is necessary to make that happen.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

11.11.2015 / Wed - pm / 194 lbs
Bench press, touch and go
45 x 12
135 x 6
185 x 4
225 x 2
235 x 1
245 x 6 x 6

Felt shaky and weak till fourth set at which point the 245 became easy. I was able to get really tight and the weight exploded upward each rep with no wavering. I felt like I had another rep or two in me on that set...but that would have meant no more volume tonight with that much weight.

"Hey, Conservatarians, Your Fascism Is Showing": Prominent Libertarians Cashing In Their Libertarian Cards

"Don't compromise yourself. 
You are all you've got."
 - Betty Ford

Remember when libertarian leading lights like Lew Rockwell and Stefan Molyneux used to make nuanced arguments for liberty? If so, then maybe you've been watching them as they sound more and more like apoligists for Donald Trump or David Duke lately and you're wondering what the hell happened.

Both men have always had a strong whiff of nativist white supremacist about them. This isn't a slight. It's an observation. Hey, we're all xenophobic and racist to some degree. The thing about liberty is that no matter how you think others ought to behave or how the world should look, you have to fight every unprincipled urge to resort to the state solution of forcing people to do your will through the threat of violence.

Maybe fumes from the zeitgeist that fuels Trump's popularity among the conservative, nativist, xenophobic right have saturated the brains of those libertarians who started out as right wingers in the first place. These days those who came in from the right are like vampires trying to be good...but with Trump channeling the roiling frustrations of rednecks and police statists, blood is in the air and the reformed quasi-libertarian vampires can't resist. They're giving in to their base instincts.

And by base instincts I do not mean their "race realism" or xenophobia. As unpalatable as I find their pseudo-scientific opinions on darkies like me, I respect their right to hold these opinions...and in truth I have more than a little sympathy for them  the same way I do for ghetto snipes, the religious, drug addicts, and petty criminals, because they are merely the product of forces that shaped their opinions and behavior.

No, by base instincts I mean their desire to initiate violence to have their way. I mean their rationalizing the use of the state.

I'll be the very first to admit it: liberty gets hard. At least until you grow up enough to accept deep down in your boots that you really can't force peaceful people to behave the way you want. It takes a rare kind of grown up to live and let live even when other people's peaceful, i.e. consensual, activities annoy or disgust him. That's what's supposed to make libertarians different. They are the ones who see the state for the grand immorality that it is, like some sadistic pedophile who raises his children to believe that their routine rape at his hands is natural.

This is what it always comes to for the conservative sort: the hidebound, slightly incestuous desire to protect the tribe from change...which is kind of what happens to ALL cultures eventually. One hundred years or a thousand, each culture only has so long before it breaks apart entirely on its way to reforming into new cultures by melding with other cultures. Kind of like human beings themselves who are here for a while and then gone, their genetic codes and beliefs living on in others, but slightly transformed.

The desire to freeze cultures and societies forever as you as an individual have known them, however...that is irrational at best and delusionally, criminally psychotic at worst. Turning to the initiation of force to keep your culture "pure" forever...It doesn't work and it turns you into a violent, authoritarian monster.

I'm not saying not to discriminate and to accept all peaceful behavior. But it's up to the individual to disengage on an individual level with people with whom he doesn't agree. No libertarian would turn to the initiation of force (and the state is nothing but the distilled essence of the initiation of force) to get his way. No libertarian would turn to the state as a solution. If he does, he's not a libertarian. He's a paleoconservative maybe...or a neoconservative...or a nanny state liberal...or communist...or socialist...or fascist...or whatever label applies to the ends that his violent means justify in his mind. But he is no libertarian.

And that's ultimately my point. When a man starts arguing for state solutions to build the world he wants, he's forfeited whatever libertarian principles he'd been claiming. A libertarian may in his heart worry about there being too many non-whites within a 1500-mile radius for his liking. But he would never, ever support the state using its stolen funds to build walls, hire uniformed overseers to patrol it, and more agents to check peoples for papers of state permission to be on private property.

Maybe it would be a little clearer to him if I started arguing for the state to guarantee just a tiny bit of a minimum wage...or a tiny bit of protectionism for minorities in the work know, just a tiny bit of Affirmative Action. Then maybe he would see that we're all just back to lining up our armies at Mordor to seize the Ring of Power.

Once he starts arguing for solutions from the centralized monopoly on violence, he has to turn in his libertarian card. I'm not even saying he's not being practical in turning to the state. I am saying he is unprincipled and immoral and back on the side of the devils. No matter how nicely he frames his arguments -- no matter if it is for borders, policing, military, welfare, minimum wage, guns, or butter -- he is back to being just another thug for whom rape, murder, and theft justify the greater good as he sees it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Olympic Squat 325 x 6 x 6, Off The SARM

11.10.2015 / Tues - am / ~196 lbs
Olympic Squat, no belt
45 x 12
135 x 6
225 x 4
275 x 2
315 x 1 x 2
325 x 6 x 6

Whew doggie. I made it. Six sets. It actually got easier till set five. Reps were continuous, rhythmic till the sixth set in which I had to rest-pause the last couple reps. Trained (mostly) fasted at 5 am (though I had a tiny bit of cheese with my coffee at 3).

I'm guessing 325 is probably an 8RM at this point. I'm very pleased that 315 felt like nothing even with slight pauses. And then I was able to get sets of six with 325 when half the sets with only five felt like my limit just a couple weeks ago.

I stopped dosing the rat four days ago. I had since been feeling a bit slughish and down since my test is undoubtedly low and there is no longer a test mimic to pick up the slack. But I think I'm bouncing back already.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Bench Press, touch and go 
45 x 12
135 x 6
185 x 4
225 x 2
245 x 1
265 x 1
275 x 3, 1, 2, 2, 2

That was mildly disappointing. Died on fourth rep. I wasn't nearly tight enough on that first set. I decided to get some volume and managed a few doubles.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Dumbbell Rows with 135-lb Dumbbells...Taking a Break in November?

11.04.2015 / Wed - am 
One-Arm Supported DB Row 100 x 5, 135 x 5 x 2

I had to be out by the Lake Mary LAF very early this morning and I wouldn't have time again for at least a couple days to be there. So I went in to avail myself of those sweet, sweet heavy dumbbells. I sense that I will soon be good for 150 for a set of five. I suppose I'll just work on volume after that. I really want to get up to bodyweight for reps and eventually very high reps. Not sure where I'll find dumbbells that heavy.

I'm thinking of stopping both this RAD and training cycle this week...

It just kind of hit me this morning. Maybe I should give my rat a break from dosing now for the last three weeks of the month. This would give me a great chance to document how it affects my strength as the bench press is very clearly benefiting the most and will act as a reliable gauge.

On the other hand, I 'm considering running with only very short breaks (one week) between another two cycles after another two weeks of this cycle.

Or maybe I should switch to LGD at the end of this week...keep the cycles down to four weeks...?

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

11.03.2015 / Wed- pm / 194 lbs
Olympic Squat, no belt
45 x 15 
135 x 6
225 x 4
275 x 2
315 x 1
325 x 1
335 x 5 x 2

This is actually an improvement over last week's struggle with 335 for six reps with increasingly long pauses. But no way I could get three sets.

Last week was harder...

I think I should start taking five-lb jumps from here and shooting for at least five reps for a couple sets of continuous reps.

Very busy morning and a good time to stop eating again for a while. My weight is hovering just above 194 this afternoon. This is actually a good thing...

I have a bit of flab around my middle that I could stand to lose so that I have more room to get more muscular as a 198-lb class lifter. I'd been ballooning up so quickly that I thought I would be bidding adieu to the 198 very soon. 

But if I can be weighing 195 with such a (relatively) high bodyfat percentage and still be planning a 275 x 5 bench, then maybe I can squeeze in another 10 lbs of muscle in this weight class and still get my bench marching toward 400.

(It's never enough. I am just barely getting to 315 now and I'm only thinking of 405.)

I really should pick up another couple bottles of RAD-140 while supplies last and the clearance sale is still going on, I am thinking that maybe another couple bottles of GW-501516 may be in order, too. The anecdotal reports for GW aren't good, but I think it had a positive effect on calorie partitioning

I have noticed that my nipples are tight upon my waking up, but they start getting bloated and puffy looking as soon as I start taking in food. So I bloat very easily. Maybe it's the MK 677. I don't know if this happened so quickly in the past. But I definitely notice it now.

Here is a GAF pic of my nipples while I'm still fasted (you're welcome!) followed by a pic of me a few minutes after my first meal:

Notice the puffier nipple in the bottom.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Bench PR 255 x 5 Four Sets

11.02.2015 / Mon-pm / 196 lbs
Bench Press, touch and go
45 x 12 x 2
135 x 6
185 x 4
225 x 2
245 x 1
255 x 5 x 4 PR

Last week this was a five-rep max. I was afraid it was too soon since Saturday's 265 x 5. But it went fine. RAD seems to like my rat a lot.

Don't Most INTPs Have Borderline Personality Disorder?

Here Jordan Peterson says (at 4:03) the borderline personality disorder patient is able to "strategize, abstract, but not implement...