Monday, February 8, 2016

02.08.16 - 170-173 lbs
Bench Press, touch and go
45 x 15 x 2
135 x 5
185 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 5, 3, 1

Olympic-style Back Squat
45 x 10
85 x 15
95 x 15

One-Arm Dumbbell Row, each side 100 x 10

A little disappointed that I couldn't get another set of five. In fact, the first set tired me so much that even with lots of rest, I could only get a single on the third attempt. Still, I'm able to get 225 x 5 which means a 255-260 for a 1RM. I'm 25 lbs lighter than I was when I was able to get ~300 1RM. It would be nice if I could get 3-4 lbs increase on bench per pound of bodyweight gained so that when I hit 200 again, my max is more like 350 instead of 300.

The bench really drained me so, as usual, squats were tough. I accidentally skipped 75, but not a huge deal at these recovery weights. I need to be vigilant about avoiding the temptation to take bigger jumps. Also, I want to keep the reps at 9 when I approach 135, and then at 6 as I approach 315.

I've been religiously PVC rolling. The left quad is the problem. I roll the right one, but that's easy. It's the left that still has a long, tough lump down the center and up at the proximal insertion. I've also been trying to jump a little and sprint. I''m losing my ability to move forcefully.

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