Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Fallen Far, First Step Back (Two Weeks Off, Missed Meals, Down To 170 lbs)

02.03.16. -- 170 lbs
Bench Press, touch and go
45 x 12 x 2
135 x 6
185 x 4
205 x 2
225 x 3 x 3

One-Arm Dumbbell Row 100 x 8 x 2

Wow. I've really fallen far in just a couple weeks. Lots of stress killed my appetite and any desire to train. I even considered canceling my gym membership and giving up on this increasingly futile pursuit. I lost another five pounds of muscle.

I've gone from a PR of nine reps with 225 exactly 14 days ago to just a few, very hard sets of three today. That's a huge decrease in just two weeks.

I've worked even more taut bands out of my quads, but my left remains problematic. The same troublesome area started getting weak and tight with me squatting just 135. Even ten reps with just the bar got a little tiring.

I guess I just have to work back up very slowly. Like starting with the bar and adding just ten pounds each session.

I started taking RAD again yesterday. 10 mg ED.

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