Thursday, December 24, 2015

12.23.2015 / Wed - pm / 182 lbs
Bench Press, touch and go 
45 x 12
135 x 6
225 x 3
255 x 2
265 x 2
270 x 1 x 2
OADBR 100 x 10

I was hoping for at least one double with 270, but it was not to be. I feel like the LGD isn't kicking in the way it did the first time. Granted, I only dosed at 5 mg the first couple weeks. My appetite is a bit bigger, but nothing drastic. I'm gaining weight, but slowly. My deadlift is still much improved, and my squat and bench are definitely higher than they were this summer, but they are not as much higher as my deadlift since I am still lighter than I was at my peak.

Here are my lifts at my starting bodyweight of 176 and my current bodyweight of 182.

@182 ---- 355 /// 275 /// 475
@176 ---- 320 /// 220 /// 440
@ - 6  ----  -35 /// -55 /// - 35

Six pounds have put 35 lbs each on my squat and deadlift and 55 lbs on my bench. When I get back up to 190 this time around I hope that I finally can crack 405 on the Olympic squat and 315 on the bench. I expect I'll be quite a bit over 500 on the beltless deadlift.

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