Wednesday, January 20, 2016

1.20.2016 / 180 lbs
Bench Press, touch and go 
45 x 12 x 2
135 x 6
185 x 4
225 x 2
235 x 2
245 x 1
250 x 1
255 x 4
225 x 9 x 2 PR

I was hoping for at least one set of five with 255, but that was a little ridiculous after I just got three sets of six with 245 last session. I dropped the weight and went for a rep-max set with 225. I got nine reps. Twice! This is far and away the best I've done with this weight. Just a couple weeks ago (January 3) the best I'd ever managed with 225 was a set of six followed by two sets of seven.  255x 4 and 225 x 9 both yield a one-rep max of over 285.

As of this morning, I feel agile again. I'd been feeling pretty creaky for weeks. All the major taut band trigger points in my quads are gone....except for this seemingly new major one that seems to be taking up my entire left rectus femoris. This knot might have been there a while, but it was nowhere near this pronounced. I've noticed that whenever I resolve one major knot, another one seems to pop up overnight nearby.

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