Thursday, September 15, 2016

Bench Press, touch and go, paused first two reps till 225
45 x 15
135 x 6
185 x 4
225 x 2
245 x 2
255 x 2
265 x 2
275 x 3, 3, 3, 4
Dumbbell Row, supinated 135 x 6 x 3

A new personal best set even though I've dropped about seven pounds of water weight. I woke up at under 195 and weighed under 198 despite trying to stuff myself this evening. Yet I managed to put up 275 for sets of three followed by a set of four! My best before this was 275 for a very hard set of four a few months ago. And last session when I tried 275 I only got a four doubles. This time I got four sets, but with triples and the last one a quadruple. And with a considerable (and accidental) water cut.

Right now I'm thinking of trying to squeeze into the 198 weight class and beating the Masters 1 record with a 500-lb squat and 540-lb deadlift, I'm good for a 420-lb squat right now without a belt and not-too-tight wraps and a 500-lb deadlift without a belt.

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