Saturday, August 29, 2015

Lower back feeling normal again. Right shoulder mostly okay, but hurts just a teeny bit when I raise the humerus laterally into one specific position. I PVC rolled my right quad hard last night and it feels better today. But I'm still feeling lethargic and a bit achy in both legs, but it gets better as the day rolls on. I definitely need a few more days of not lifting weights.

I weighed 187 on the nose this morning after only having coffee and going to the restroom.

I was going to switch to Ostarine when I restarted in a week...but I think I'll just finish the LGD and use the Ostarine later. LGD is stronger and will keep my size and strength gains coming. I want to get past 190 lbs bodyweight and over 405 for my beltless squat and 500 for my beltless pull and do them for reps. I also would like to get my touch and go bench close to 300 in the next cycle.

I hope to start lifting again late next week. I hope that by next Wednesday both my little annoying pains and my major ones will have quieted down, and that I will be itching to get back under a barbell.

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Don't Most INTPs Have Borderline Personality Disorder?

Here Jordan Peterson says (at 4:03) the borderline personality disorder patient is able to "strategize, abstract, but not implement...