Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Don't Most INTPs Have Borderline Personality Disorder?

Here Jordan Peterson says (at 4:03) the borderline personality disorder patient is able to "strategize, abstract, but not implement". Abstraction over implementation is another way of saying Ti-dom/Ne-aux, isn't it? 

I am an INTP with severe, textbook BPD. It always seemed to me that BPD is a what naturally happens to an INTP who is traumatized as a child. In fact, I'd wager BPD has a high occurrence among INTPs who are the most natural targets of those Fe-dom dumb-dumbs in grade school. 

Someone should really look into this. 

Don't Most INTPs Have Borderline Personality Disorder?

Here Jordan Peterson says (at 4:03) the borderline personality disorder patient is able to "strategize, abstract, but not implement...